Cyclica Inc

Cyclica Announces DANCE (Design Advanced Novel Chemical Entities) Program under Cyclica Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

TORONTO, ON, CANADA (August 1, 2019) – Cyclica is pleased to announce the Design Advanced Novel Chemical Entities (DANCE) program under the Cyclica Academic Partnership Program (CAPP). Cyclica’s new CAPP now includes both DANCE and LEAP programs, which together provide selected academic partners with an end-to-end enabling drug discovery platform to design advanced lead like molecules while providing polypharmacological insights.

The DANCE program is the inaugural collaboration program leveraging Cyclica’s Ligand Design™ platform announced at the Collision Conference in Toronto in May 2019. Ligand Design is a multi-targeted and multi-objective in silico drug design platform that designs molecules to interact with preferred targets and avoid anti-targets, while maintaining synthetic feasibility and desired pharmacokinetic properties. For selected academic partners through our DANCE program, all upfront fees will be waived and the ownership of the new compounds will be shared between the academic partner and Cyclica. More information about DANCE can be found here.

“Cyclica Academic Partnership Program is an initiative dedicated to supporting drug discovery in the academic community. By collaborating with leading researchers globally, together we will advance novel small molecule therapies for unmet medical needs.” – Naheed Kurji, President & CEO Cyclica.

About Cyclica
Cyclica is a Toronto-based, globally recognized biotechnology company that leverages AI and computational biophysics to reshape drug discovery. Cyclica provides the pharmaceutical industry with Ligand Express and Ligand Design, an integrated, holistic, and end-to-end enabling platform focused on polypharmacology.  Ligand Design and Ligand Express augment how scientists design advanced lead like molecules that minimize off-target effects, and gain insights into structural pharmacogenomics. By doing more with artificial intelligence, Cyclica aims to revolutionize a system troubled with attrition and costly failures, accelerate the drug discovery process, and develop medicines with greater precision.